A project dedicated to the arts, music and culture of child avatars
Opening Celebrations: Friday, March 20 - Sunday March 22, 2009
Second Life's child avatar community is proud to announce the Kids Information Center (KIC).
KIC is a sim dedicated to the arts, music and culture of kid avatars. KIC is a noncommercial project designed, built and scripted by Second Life artists and mentors, who prefer to spend their time as virtual children or teenagers.
Trying to represent the diversity of the child avatar scene, the KIC sim features:
1) A learning area for new residents interested in kid avatar culture
2) A downtown "urban" area with a Live Radio Station
3) A village with exhibitions of kid avatar groups
4) A sandbox for everyone to build
5) A skatepark, playground, junkyard and underground tunnels to explore
Some Highlights of the sim:
The Adult-To-Kid-Transmogrifier: Step into this cardboard box, which will change your adult avatar into one of several kid avatars (girls and boys available). The avatars come complete with hair, skin, clothes and useful accessories. It is both fun and free. This is a great starting point for anyone who wants a “Second Childhood”.
The Milk N Kookies Radio Show HQ: In 2008, the Second Life community of child avatars tuned in to hear the first episode of The Milk N’ Kookies Show, a radio program broadcast for the young at heart. 50 episodes and a year later, the show has added an active web presence and a charity program designed to help disadvantaged real life children. The MnK headquarters features a new classroom constructed for our professional kids to share their knowledge and teach a new generation of DJs and radio hosts all the tricks of the trade. The second floor holds an extensive library of books, magazines and other literary tools allowing you to explore the realms of fantasy and adventure or even learn about the Second Life Community. Our reading circle is perfect for late night cuddles and tales of wonder spoken by our popular storytellers. Downstairs in the lobby, a listening booth is perched in the corner where you can sit with friends to catch up on old shows or view our active community calendar and even read the latest MNK blogs in world. The new Studio is designed to hold up to 60 audience members with a perfect line of sight. Together, we hope the new studio becomes an important teaching tool and a continued source of news and entertainment.
The Kidz Art Center: A huge building for exhibiting the many paintings and drawings kid avatars create. Our exhibitions will show the work of kid avatar artists such as Loki Elliot, Marianne McCann, Rai Fargis and many more.
Old Town: This part of the sim features the Temple of Kulture Kids, a group dedicated to exploring the cultural diversity of Second Life. Also featured in the Old Town are several German speaking kid avatar groups: Der Dachverband Deutscher Kindergruppen ("Organisation of German Speaking Kid Avatars") with several sub- groups for German speaking kids. The Tiger Scouts, a group of Second Life boy scouts. The exhibition: "Warum sind wir Kinder in SL?" (Why are we kids in SL?"). Last but not least, Old Town features the work of of KIC Mentors, some of them also Second Life Mentors with kid avatars who are helping new residents every day on the official Help Islands of Second Life.
The Second Life Children Learning Tree: This gigantic tree house shows various types of kid avatars (brats, explorers, fur cubs, heroes and many more), a collection of blogs and tutorials, freebie stuff and useful advice for being a child avatar in Second Life.
Other Places to Explore: The sim features a railcar and a raft for comfortable exploration. The Second Life Kids, one of the oldest child avatar groups in Second Life, display their work. Hidden underground are several tunnels, sewers and rooms to explore. A vast sandbox invites all kids and their friends to build and explore. Classes on building, scripting, DJ’ing, and producing radio shows will be held at the arena next to the sandbox.
Future project: The School of Roleplaying will be located in the Downtown Area of the sim, for all kids interested in the art of RP. Led by Undercity lead writer & head of roleplay, Tobiath Tendaze.
Press Contact:
Koffeekid Smalls (US)
Rai Fargis (EU)
Kids Information Center - KIC
Friday - DJs:
12-2pm - DJ Lenny (Aspen)
2-4pm - DJ Demon (Vortex)
4-6pm - Rai Fargis (Suite 15)
6-8pm - DJ X (Jaxx Place)
8-10pm - TBA
10-12Mid - TBA
Saturday - LIVE performances:
12pm- The Milk N Kookies Show (for the first time at the new MnK Headquarters on KIC)
1pm- Live Performance by Ankari Holder
2pm-Live Performance by TBA
3pm-Live Performance by Ichie Kamachi
4pm-Live Performance by Celticmaidenwarrior Lancaster
8 AM - open end: A special tour through the KIC sim with the Kulture Kids group.
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